Glam Up Your Life with Video

wedding videographyThe old folks might not be so into it, but I LOVE living in a culture of cameras and social media. Sure, it can be used for evil and is many, many times every day. And sure, my friends aren’t great or frequent photographers. If I want a decent photo of me online, I need to pretend I’ve accidentally taken it with the selfie camera. For shame, I know.

But the, the flipside is that so many precious moments are not only caught on camera, but caught on camera awesomely. Everyone has an HD camera in their pocket nowadays. Fact, technology, game, set…fact. And if you’re not good at videography, Melbourne has an app for that. And by that, I mean it has videographers by the truckload who could probably transform your dog’s birthday into a feature-length film with so many dramatic zooms and musical cues, you’d swear the whole thing was written and directed by Yaival DuMesque himself. Well, maybe less pathos, but that wouldn’t be too hard.

Just last week we had our school formal, and it was kind of a disappointment. We were told that it would be ‘the greatest night of our lives’, but you wouldn’t think so from what we got. Some okay food, a bit of dancing that no one was really into…that was it. But then we got the video back, and that wasn’t even from a professional videographer. There’s just a guy in the IT department who likes to edit video, and he made the night look like a fairy tale dream. Wouldn’t be surprised if he started his own business in something like wedding videography in Melbourne, or something.

Anyway, technology. Embrace the good, and as for the bad…just shrug. It’s part of the package.
