Happy Birthday Dad, have a toolbox!

under body boxesMy dad is not a very easy man to buy presents for. It’s not that he has everything, in fact, it’s kind of the opposite, he doesn’t want anything. When we buy him clothes he continues to wear the gray tracksuit he’s worn since the nineties; when we buy him books he doesn’t read them; homewares remain in the box; whiskey gets drunk but not enjoyed and the list could really go on and on. So when my brother phoned and said he had found the perfect gift for Dad you can imagine my skepticism. He started blabbering on about this great company he has found that produce custom aluminium toolboxes in Melbourne. They aren’t just toolboxes, they go on cars and utes and transform vehicles into huge tool storage and transport facilities. I had to hand it to him. Dad would absolutely love that. At the moment he carries some tools around in a rusty red toolbox that crashes around at the back of his truck making an absolute racket. I left all the details to my brother but said because this is probably the only gift we will ever get him that he loves we shouldn’t skimp on it. I keep getting messages about various accessories we are adding such as under body boxes and roof bars. I have no doubt Dad will really love his new decked out ute. We are actually going to fill a lot of the storage compartments with new tools. Although he doesn’t officially work as a tradie anywhere he is always off exploring and finding things to either rip-apart or build. The under body boxes that go in his truck can store so much, he could put whatever he wants in there. The idea really should have occurred to us sooner but I suppose ute toolbox doesn’t really spring to mind when you think of birthday present.