New hotel windows

If there is one thing I am not, it is an entrepreneur. My family on the other hand are all about it. Everyone is a businessperson, an innovator, an entrepreneur, or an investor. I can’t back it. I’m going to sound like a totally unappreciative kid right now but last year my father gave me a hotel for my birthday. A hotel! What on earth am I going to do with a hotel! With this hotel he also gave me a start-up grant to make any changes I want to make so it can be ‘ready to go’. I don’t know the first thing about running a business or a hotel so I don’t know what he’s expecting me to do with this. The only thing I noticed about the hotel is that there was no commercial glass tinting. I think that’s one of the first amendments I’ll make because I know for a fact no one wants to be in the hotel room getting changed knowing that the rest of the street and adjacent buildings are looking through the window and can see everything that is going on. 

As far as other things I’d like to do, I guess the canvas is pretty open. I think I’d like to have a bellhop who can assist guests with their luggage. Anytime I’ve been to a hotel that has a bellhop, things feel that little bit classier. I would also like the hallways to have gold mirrors and perhaps a red carpet. I think the more prestigious I make everything look the more I can justify charging people a higher price per night. Before I do any of that, I’m going to look for a Melbourne based commercial window tinting specialist. I figure that window tinting might be a big job and if I get it started I’ll be able to work on other things too. You know what, maybe this hotel thing is for me? Maybe my dad gave me this hotel for a reason. I think I’m going to give this a real go.